ISBN: 978-1608687657
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The Art of Letting Go - CD
Letting Go of Nothing
Relax Your Mind and Discover
the Wonder of Your True Nature
With Foreword by Eckart Tolle
A practical and empowering approach to the age-old quest for letting go of the thoughts and feelings that block happiness, impede change, and hinder self-acceptance.
Anyone who has dipped a toe into any of the world’s spiritual traditions knows that letting go is key. But how? In this fresh, frank, and accessible guide, Peter Russell shows that what we get hung up on are generally not the tangible problems in the present, but are instead the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or expectations we have about them, which in turn stem from our interpretations and point of view. These are not actual things; they exist only in our minds. And we can strip these “no-things” of their power and let them go by making a simple change of mind. Russell reframes letting go as letting in and letting be and offers some remarkably easy methods of accepting, acknowledging, recognizing, and even befriending what we tend to run from. This paradoxical practice leads to greater peace of mind, fresh perspectives, and wisdom in action. In turbulent times like ours, this is a true power, one available to us all.
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Some Praise for Letting Go of Nothing
“Peter Russell is like a friend who offers us a cool drink of water on a hot day. Letting Go of Nothing invites us to pause, step back, and see if there is another way of seeing that allows the mind to relax its grip and for a natural letting go to happen. Wise, eloquent, and subtle.”
— John J. Prendergast, PhD, author of The Deep Heart and In Touch
“Letting Go of Nothing is a marvelously simple, clear, and concise guide to discovering the freedom and peace of mind that is right here. In plain language, Peter Russell illuminates a lifelong, moment-to-moment path of seeing how we create unnecessary suffering and waking up to the unfettered wonder of simple presence. This book is practical, wise, warm-hearted and refreshingly down to earth. I recommend it very highly.”
— Joan Tollifson, author of Nothing to Grasp and Death: The End of Self-Improvement
“Letting Go of Nothing is at once a wise yet completely practical distillation of the many avenues available to all who are searching for peace, love, and contentment by living a more awakened life. Each chapter is concise and continually points the reader to our true nature while also humbly and wholeheartedly accepting the challenges of our human expressions. Peter Russell writes with a profound directness and simplicity wrought from his own experience. Here is a book that is, indeed, ‘bringing awakening down to earth.’”
— Dorothy Hunt, spiritual teacher, author of Ending the Search
“The realization that we are not our thoughts is a gateway to liberation. Letting Go of Nothing offers wise guidance and inspiration, pointing to the deep peace and freedom that arises naturally in moments of letting be.”
— Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance and Radical Compassion
“In Letting Go of Nothing, Peter Russell has distilled the essence of the traditional path of surrender into clear, simple, accessible language. Every short chapter contains both a unique insight and a pathway that, if followed in one’s own experience, will lead directly to the peace that ‘passeth all understanding.’ Short enough to be read in a weekend, profound enough to last a lifetime, Peter’s book is a gem of contemporary spirituality.”
— Rupert Spira, author and teacher
“This gem of a book will kindly take you by the hand and show you how to authentically engage the quintessence of the spiritual path. With lucid clarity, humility, and uncommon compassion, Peter Russell shows us how we can learn to relax out of ego and live into our natural, easeful condition, even amid challenging times.”
—Miranda Macpherson, author of The Way of Grace
“Cuts right through to the essence of what is important for us to live a content, joyful life, waking up to who we truly are and being able to make meaningful contributions. I heartily recommend this book to anyone looking for more peace in their life and for anyone wanting to wake up. Enjoy!”
— Lama Palden Drolma, author of Love on Every Breath
“Seven centuries ago, Meister Eckhart, one of the greatest Christian contemplatives, decided ‘to find which is the greatest and best virtue.’ He concluded that it is letting go of cravings, and around the world and across the centuries thousands of sages have echoed this theme. Now, in an era that desperately needs this skill, Peter Russell provides us with a simple, lucid guide to the importance of letting go and how to do it.”
— Roger Walsh, MD, PhD, University of California Medical School, author of Essential Spirituality
“In this insightful book, Peter Russell takes us on a personal journey in which he reveals what life has taught him about being human. Each of the short chapters contains a peek into his own awakening journey, where we are reminded that what seems to create a life of happiness and fulfillment has little to do with one’s outer circumstances but rather with our openness to the is-ness of each moment. This is more than a book about finding inner peace — though it is that, for sure. It is also a book about human possibilities.”
— Susan Campbell, PhD, author of Getting Real and From Triggered to Tranquil
“This book expresses the essence of spiritual wisdom without excess baggage. It is a clear glass of water, a refreshing simplicity. In it, Peter Russell has given elegant expression to what stands forth when we let go into what is, without resistance or confusion. Enjoy it, and may you find it easier and more natural to keep letting go into the spacious beauty of what is, here and now.”
— Terry Patten, author of Integral Life Practice and A New Republic of the Heart
“People in Western societies are besotted with the concept of being in control at all times in all ways. This chronic uptightness leaves nothing to chance and the flowing ways of nature. In Letting Go of Nothing, Peter Russell shows that in order to be happier and achieve more, we must embrace the paradox of letting go. As Russell shows, this is not new-age pop psychology but ancient wisdom. It endures for one reason: it works.”
— Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind
“This book not only makes a clear case for why unhappiness is not intrinsic to human nature but provides a roadmap from our stuck point to the destination — a sense of self-control and freedom from the prison of chronic unrest. Why would anyone not integrate this straightforward and profoundly effective technology of mind to create a radically transformed life?”
— Barbara Fields, LHD, executive director of the Association for Global New Thought
“This book reads like the distilled wisdom of a whole lifetime of inner exploration, expressed with great clarity and simplicity. You can read the book sequentially, or open chapters at random, and you will be enriched and enlightened by what you find.”
— Steve Taylor, author of The Clear Light and Extraordinary Awakenings
“I have long appreciated the writings of Peter Russell and his eagerness to bring the spiritual and the scientific together. In this book he invites us into his soul and value system, his application of meditation and Buddhist practice to his own way of seeing the world and self, and in doing so he summons us to ‘the deep peace of our true nature.’ I too take hope, and Peter Russell’s book affirms it, that our species will wake up to down-to-earth spiritual wisdom that all our religions, when healthy, call us to — keeping it simple, understandable, and effective so that we and the sacred planet we share might become sustainable once more.”
— Matthew Fox, author of Meister Eckhart and other books
“Letting Go of Nothing is a clear, engaging book filled with deep wisdom that presents the heart of the Buddha’s teachings in a down-to-earth, highly user-friendly way. This beautiful, jargonfree guide shows how to free the mind of its self-created prison. If the reader puts these teachings into practice, they will definitely find support for genuine liberation.”
— James Baraz, author of Awakening Joy and cofounder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Some Interviews and Podcasts
Buddha the Gas Pump with Rick Archer. I like the way he always goes in depth and makes it a real conversation.
The Magical Mystery Tour with Tonio Epstein was fun.
What Is Life podcast with Tim Freke. Fun and lively
Conversations That Make a Difference with Michael Stone
The Siimplifiers Podcast lovely conversation with Mary Baird-Wilcock
What Matters Most really enjoyed this conversation with Paul Samuel Dolman
The Mystical Positivist good deep conversation
The Daily Helping with Dr Richard Shuster
New Thinking Aloud withJeffrey Mishlove
The Hidden Why Podcast with Leigh Martinuzzi
All About Healing, Pt 1 with Emily Francis
All About Healing, Pt 2 with Emily Francis
Live, Death and the Space Between with Amy Robbins
Letting Go (When The World is Falling Apart) excellent conversation with Bryan Reeves
Unity Online Radio with Rev Paul Roach