The Mystery of Consciousness and the Meaning of Light
Comments from Readers
It is a pleasure to read Peter Russell's beautifully written book endorsing the transcendental view of life. Based on his own experiences as a mathematician and as a mystic he charts the route from materialism to meditation and has a convincing explanation of the meaning of such diverse items such as gravity, relativity, quantum theory, light and consciousness. And a new and satisfying interpretation of God.
Napier Collyns

Profoundly insightful from both a theoretical and personal perspective. It is a story of the development of the western thought on the one hand, and of a very thoughtful individuals personal struggles to reconcile his love and respect for science with his growing spiritual awakening on the other hand. Far more than most other books on the subject, From Science to God identifies a possible basis for a true reconciliation between science and spirituality.
Winston Franklin
The best book Peter Russell's ever written.
This will get through to the Harvard Business School types.
Hazel Henderson
A modern hero's journey - a record of a courageous traveler who has ventured where scientists aren't supposed to go, who has gained great wisdom, and who has returned to share it. This book will be invaluable to millions of individuals who are seeking to harmonize intellect and intuition, science and spirit, in their lives. Highly recommended.
Larry Dossey
Truly engaging, accessible, and a pleasure to read
Roger Housden
Wonderful, deep and wide lucid and juicy
Brady Bevis
As usual Peter Russell has brought the highly complex into the divinely simple and helped us make the transtion from the dogma of the materialistic view of nature to the illumination of the true nature of reality as the consciousness we have called God.
Barbara Marx Hubbard
What a lovely piece of work. It's deceptively simple, very elegant, very clear.
Robert Gass
The book is brilliant. Ive enjoyed this afternoon more than most days of my life. In your book you have created with words a mathematical equation that takes one literally to the state you mention.
Karla Keller
A very clear and concise introduction to consciousness
Rick Ingrasci
The non-fiction equivalent of The Glass Bead Game
Peter Christy
The first solid attempt to clearly identify the paradigm that is emerging--an integration of the scientific paradigm that is dominant in the world now and the spiritual traditions that are represented in paradigms dominant in the past. . . .
I predict that this book will spread like wildfire. For many of us it is a fulfillment of a dream we didn't know we had.
Michael Ray
Fabulous, an elegant piece of work. Simple, clear and concise
Ruth Strassberg
A sweet book, and so true, just the right size -- and very easily digestible
Lucia Thornton
It is one of the best modern portrayals, especially since you are very honest and not trying to make up new jargon, or some complex model out of something simple.
Rajiv Malhotra
You have shed 'light' on the cosmos and our connection with it. It is a concise and clearly written statement that answers the who, where, what and how of why. Thanks for expressing what we've all wanted (and needed!) to hear for so many thousands of years.
Jason Klassi
Your book is blowing my mind. It's incredible that neither the scientists or the theologians were able to see past their own paradigm traps to piece together the new metaparadigm that you put forth. You make the most complex concepts so understandable.
Cody Harrington
I thoroughly enjoyed your new book. I really enjoy the way your mind works and how you thread your personal experiences into a journey of self-understanding as well as a revelation of physics, light and God. I learnt a lot from reading it and am very grateful that you wrote it. The whole heft of the book is one of light and fun. It was fun, in the best sense, to read . . . your kindness comes through in a very touching way.
Timothy Wyllie
. . . extremely well written, almost reading itself with no effort on the part of the reader. It contains many quotations that help in grounding the points made therein.
Henry Swift
Truly engaging, accessible, and a pleasure to read
Roger Housden
I am so thankful that someone has finally written a book such as this!
Kelly Meader
What an extraordinary, marvelous, powerful, profound piece of work. Spoke most fundamentally to the deepest questions that I have been jousting with. Can I buy two dozen copies to give to friends?
John Petersen
What an accomplishment -- and to narrow it down to a book I can read makes it even more remarkable.
Ray Gatchalian
Direct, simple and non-mystifying. A wonderful bridge.
Sidney Lanier