Resting in Being

The video and audio recordings of this 4-part webinar series are now available to everyone.
Resting in Being — Seminar Recordings
In this seminar series, Peter Russell explores the nature of Being from a non-dual perspective. How it manifests in our lives. What lies behind our desire for happiness and peace of mind? How we block our awareness of Being’s presence. The awakening to Being experienced by the mystics—and by increasing numbers of us today. And the most effective paths of returning to Being.
He also shares his latest thinking on: The nature of consciousness. How it has evolved. The waking dream of everyday life. The arising of a separate self. How to step beyond it and open to the inner peace, love, and freedom of the being fully in the present moment. The nature of the true Self—first-person experience of Being, the “I am” at the heart of every experience, the realization of which is the ultimate goal of many spiritual practices.Along with guided meditations designed to integrate the webinar in our daily lives.
Comments from Participants
- A lovely balance in subject matter, discussion and meditation. He wove the webinars into a masterpiece. The simplicity without all the complexity is what makes Peter's work stand out.
- Peter offered what I was looking for. I enjoyed his combination of intellectual ease, experiential depth, and enthusiasm for sharing his wisdom.
- Peter comes across as warm, knowledgeable, real, open and respectful.... an excellent recipe.
- Peter is one of the most engaging spiritual guides in the world today. He is open, sincere and passionate.
- He treated everyone with such warmth and respect.
Seminar 1 – The Desire for Being
What is Being? The “I am” at the center of all experience. Its intrinsic qualities of peace and love. The natural state of the unperturbed mind. Our fundamental drive for happiness—to return to Being. The roots of self-created discontent and suffering. Getting lost in thought. The arising of tension. The I-Thou separation.
Seminar 2 – Searching for Being in the World
Why we’ve become human havings and doings rather than human beings. Our attachments to the world and to how things should or should not be. The egomind. How it veils our essential nature. Samsara, the endless wandering on in search of happiness. Imagination and its role in human evolution. Living in imagined realities, the waking dream. The ego as an ally, rather than enemy.
Seminar 3 – The Awakening to Being
The nature of consciousness, and reality. The mystical experience. Transcending the separate sense of self. Freedom from the ego mind. Recognition of the true Self. Discerning ego from the true Self. New, easier, approaches to letting go. Letting go into the fullness of the present moment. The end of seeking. Opening to the happiness, love, freedom and wisdom that is our true nature.
Seminar 4 – Paths to Being
Meditation as practice of returning to Being. Why meditation should be effortless. Shifiting our attitude towards thoughts in meditation. Attention and awareness. Refining the quality of attention rather than its focus. Dropping back into Being by allowing the mind to fully relax.