The Global Brain & The White Hole in Time

DVD containing both of Peter Russell's best-selling videos

Cost: $29.95,  ISBN: 1928586104

The Global Brain

Peter Russell's original ground-breaking video explores the idea of the Earth as an integrated self-regulated living organism (Gaia), and considers what function the human race may be playing in this system. Using specially generated graphics and visual collages, this video presents an inspiring and optimistic vision of humanity's future in a dynamic and captivating form. Praised by educators and politicians, and used by many international corporations, "The Global Brain" is compelling and challenging viewing.
Music by Iasos. (35 mins)
Watch low-res version streamed on-line.
Video Soundtrack (transcript)


Peter Russell proposes that we stand on the threshold of a major leap in evolution, as significant as the emergence of life itself, and the essence of this leap is inner spiritual development. Moreover, he maintains that it is only through such a shift in consciousness that we will be able to manage successfully the global crises now facing us.
Music by Vangelis. (27 mins)
Watch excerpts of key sections

Video Soundtrack (transcript)

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