What is True? I am not born, I do not die Give Love A Chance An Intelligent Global Brain The Two Faces of Gratitude
The undisturbed mind is like the calm body of water reflecting the brilliance of the moon.
Yagyu Jubei
What is True? I am not born, I do not die Give Love A Chance An Intelligent Global Brain
Which meditation is best?
The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.
Albert Einstein
Articles I wrote for the "New Consciousness" column of The Weaver -- an early web magazine devoted to spirituality and healing. (Some of the first pages I put on the web.) A Crisis of Consciousness What is Spirituality? Science and Spirituality The Evolving Global Brain The Global Brain - Sane or Insane The Nature of Consciousness Are All Creatures Conscious? Language and Consciousness Love Blind Love New Age Religion Dolphin School
A Crisis of Consciousness What is Spirituality? Science and Spirituality The Evolving Global Brain The Global Brain - Sane or Insane The Nature of Consciousness Are All Creatures Conscious? Language and Consciousness Love Blind Love New Age Religion Dolphin School
Earth and Environment | Science and Consciousness | Spiritual Awakening Letting Go of Nothing | Waking Up In Time | From Science to God | Forgiving Humanity