Pete And Duane's Window
Pete and Duane's Window is a TV series hosted by Peter Russell and Duane Elgin, that originally aired on Marin Community TV. It explores topics such as consciousness, world trends, sustainability, spirituality, and our collective future.
The videos are temporarily unavailable, but you can still listen to or download audios of the shows.
Download all seven mp3s together. (150 Mb)
Is humanity waking up to a new level of consciousness? What changes in consciousness are underway? Can we wake up in time?
We explore powerful trends transforming our world and three scenarios for the future: Business as usual. Unstoppable decline. And profound maturation.
What are the psychological and spiritual roots of our global challenges? How can we awaken from the cultural hypnosis of consumerism and materialism?
We are in a race between communication and catastrophe. We explore our communication rights and how to create a more conscious democracy.
How intelligent are dolphins? What goes on inside their minds? What can we learn from being with them in the wild? Includes footage from dolphin encounters
Science and spirituality are often seen as being in conflict. Yet, do they share a common understanding of reality?
Following Pete's visit with Ram Dass, we explore the foundations of love, how we can bring more of it into our lives, and the impact of the sixties on contemporary culture.