I am not born, I do not die

I am not born, I do not die

The body is born, it has a birth day.
And some day this body will die.

The sense of self I call “me” is born later.
As the young child I learned to differentiate myself from others and the rest of the world.
I developed a sense of a separate self that over a lifetime becomes identified with numerous experiences, perceptions, qualities, traits, and images.
Numerous ideas of who I think I am.
A multifaceted sense of identity running through my life.
It is being created and re-created continually.
And can die at any time – even while the body lives.

Awareness itself, the space within which this self appears, is not born.
It simply is.
It is that omnipresent beingness. Known simply as “I am.”
How that “I am” is for me, how it feels to me to be an aware being, is the same as it is for you — even though every experience we are aware of may be different.
Awareness is not born, it does not die.
It is outside of time, ex-ternis, eternal.

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